Webinar Series

October 28 - December 2 | 6:30 - 8:30 PM


The live, 2 hour weekly Zoom webinars are Free and offer 2 CEU's available per week!

  • Oct. 28 | Rangeland IPM and Rodent Control, Part 1
    Presented by Dr. Casey Spackman and Dr. Sam Smallidge: IPM and management of invasive rangeland plant and weed species followed by management of prairie dog and pocket gopher.

  • Nov. 4 | Yard and Garden
    Presented by Dr. Marisa Thompson and Dr. Carol Sutherland: Discussion on proper cultural practices and techniques to reduce plant stress and best management strategies for commonly found insects in your yard and garden.

  • Nov. 11 | Irrigated Pasture
    Presented by Dr. Mark Marsalis and Dr. Jane Pierce: Weed control in pasture and forage followed by irrigated pasture insect management.

  • Nov. 18 | IPM for Urban and Small Farms and Rodent Control, Part 2
    Presented by Dr. Amanda Skidmore and Dr. Sam Smallidge: Introduction to IPM for urban and small farms followed by skunk and squirrel management.

  • Dec. 2 | Pesticide Management
    Presented by Mr. Steve Baca NMDA and Mr. Cary Hamilton: Update on laws and regulations from NMDA followed by a demonstration on backpack sprayer calibration.

Meet The Presenters

Steve Baca
Image of Steve Baca
Cary Hamilton
Image of Cary Hamilton
Mark Marsalis
Image of Mark Marsalis
Jane Pierce
Image of Jane Pierce
Amanda Skidmore
Image of Amanda Skidmore
Sam Smallidge
Image of Sam Smallidge
Casey Spackman
Image of Casey Spackman
Carol Sutherland
Image of Carol Sutherland
Marisa Thompson
Image of Marisa Thompson

If you are an individual with a disability who is in need of an auxiliary aid or service, please contact Phillip Lujan by Oct. 15 at 575-646-1822 or email at pl11@nmsu.edu.

New Mexico State University is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer and educator. NMSU and the U.S. Department of Agriculture Cooperating.